Here is what we started with. 1/2 acre of grass and a 13 horsepower tiller. My friend Paul showed me this post on craigslist about someone in Carmichael that needed someone to garden thier backyard. How lucky am I to have such a good friend keeping an eye out for me. If you see this post Paul, Thanks! The garden is just a couple blocks away from our house. So, for the next 5 years this will be our garden. Yippee!
Mostly tilled.
Almost done. This was at 5 O'clock. Rog finished tilling at 5:30. We did it! Thanks Rog, your the best! Now to make rows so that it will drain properly when it rains next. I saw some worms when I was digging around too. Yeah! This is so exciting! I need to transplant strawberry plants and plant some garlic. Yum!
Wow, that plot is huge. I can't wait to see what you do with it. Congratulations.
I know, isn't it lovely?
Holy moly! That's an awesome plot of land - no septic systems or anything to worry about! So, why did someone *need* their backyard gardened in?
Well, the girl, Sarah, and her partner (don't know if they are married or boyfriend/girlfriend) live there. Sarah's parents own it and Sarah is living there while going to school and they don't have the time or want to garden it so they offered to anyone who wanted to garden on it free. She just wants some produce for herself. Which is great because I know what I plant will be way too much for my family. I'll can what I can of it, but I know there will be a lot. LOL!
Plus she'll be able to pick all the flowers she wants. I plan to pltant a lot so I get lots of pollinator coming in. ;-)
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